(effective 25th May 2018)

This Privacy Notice governs the manner in which collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a “User”) of the website (“Site”). This Privacy Notice applies to the Site and our school.

Personal Identifiable Information (Post Primary Students)
We collect personal identifiable information from prospective students in a variety of ways in connection with the delivery of education at our school. We will collect personal identifiable information from data subjects when they voluntarily submit such information to us:

Post Primary Student’s Data (Lawful Basis: Public Interest, Consent, Legal Obligation):

  • Name; Surname; Date of Birth; PPS Number; Address; Nationality; Birth Certificate; Medical Conditions; Programme Subjects & Courses Exemptions; Medium of learning Irish/English; Psychometric Testing Results (where applicable); Religion; Psychological Assessment Results (where applicable); Book Rental Scheme; Transportation Scheme;
  • Parent / Guardian Name; Phone Number; Home address; Mobile Number; Emergency Contact Person & No., Email, Mothers Maiden Name; Family Members (current / past); Medical Card;
  • Name, Address & Tel. No. of GP, Previous Educational History.
  • Photos with classmates, tours, matches, awards etc.
  • CCTV Images.
  • Classroom based assessments and exam results;
  • State Examination Results;