Extra Curricular

Extra- Curricular Activities

As well as the described curriculum for Junior and Senior Cycle. Coláiste Na Toirbhirte encourages all students to participate in extra- curricular activities in school and without.  This is a fantastic way of engaging with the world, fostering talents, improving social skills and sharing passions and hobbies with likeminded others .We believe that the formal and informal curriculum are greatly supportive of each other.

Lunchtime Activities

Lunchtime activities are a great success in Coláiste Na Toirbhirte since their introduction in 2018. Each class group in the school is given the challenge to organise a lunchtime activity that all students can participate in for one week a year. Activities range from huge dance extravaganzas to talent competitions, from relaxathons to board games and quizzes. The inventiveness and enthusiasm of the student body never ceases to amaze!


For students who enjoy curling up with a book or spending some quiet time the Library is a wonderful space at lunchtimes or break times. All students are issued with a library card on enrolment to first year and may take out up to two books a week. We are fortunate to have a wide selection of books available for junior and senior readers. Also, our librarian, Suezi Heffernan oversees a superb library assistant program for interested students. Library competitions are run throughout the year which are open to all and include readathons and poetry competitions.

Competitions and Challenges

Students are encouraged to get involved in competitions and challenges outside school as well as in house. To date these have included The Garda Youth Awards, Rotary competitions, The President’s Award, Public Access to Law, Model U.N., Debating and Public Speaking competitions, Junk Couture, Texaco Art Competition, Cork Choral Festival, SCIFEST, and  the Young Scientist Competition. Every year presents different opportunities and challenges.  Our best advice to all students is to get stuck in!


Sport is a big part of life here at Coláiste Na Toirbhirte! We believe passionately in the mantra of “A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body” and are very aware of the connection between academic achievement and physical activity. To support this, physical education is part of the described curriculum for all students at junior and senior level.

Further to this, however, there is so much more on offer! The school supports teams competing in multiple sports including football, soccer, hockey and basketball. We take special pride in having been described as a “Cradle for Camogie players in Cork!” Indeed, many of our past pupils have played for their County. We are so proud of their achievements!

From time to time students present who excel in other areas of sport such as Athletics or Horse Riding. We are always delighted to support their endeavours.

All first Year Students are encouraged to participate in as many extracurricular sports as possible as part of induction to School. Apart from all the other great benefits, this encourages a wide circle of acquaintance and is invaluable to settling in to school.

Teams train at lunchtimes and after school. Buses are organised for students to attend “Away” matches. Other matches are held at home on our own camogie pitch and indoor basketball courts.

School Choir

Coláiste Na Toirbhirte is an Arts Rich School!

We pride ourselves on our long tradition of Musical excellence. Every year the school presents a Musical production (See Music, above) which is the highlight of the year for many. Further to this the School Choir, which happens at lunchtime, is a great opportunity for all interested students to develop their talents and merge their voices in song.