Pastoral Care System

Student Pastoral Care

In keeping with the tradition of the Presentation Order, the Pastoral Care Programme of Colaiste na Toirbhirte aims to promote the well-being of the individual within the School community. To ensure its effectiveness, the following supports are in place.


  • Each year group has a Year Head whose role is to ensure the smooth organisation of that year group
  • Each class has a Class Tutor who aspires to meet the needs of the student in the class context
  • We have a supportive chaplain, Fr. John O’Donovan. Members of the RE team, staff and the school chaplain meet regularly
  • Counselling is an integral part of the Pastoral Care system.  The school counsellor is available to support students in need.
  • Social, Personal and Health Education Programme aims towards development of all aspects of the individual student
  • The Meitheal Programme enables senior students to act as mentors to First Years
  • Supervised study for students four evenings a week
  • Study skills programmes are ongoing for all students
  • The Year Heads and Care Team meet on a weekly basis.