April 23rd 2024, is an important day in our school calendar, with World Book Day, our Transition Year Book Launch and Shakespeare’s 460th birthday!! The activities will begin with our Transition Year Book Launch, which will see our Transition Years show off books that they made throughout the year. They will also meet author Alannah Hopkins, before the prize-giving ceremony begins!
Throughout the day, a number of activities will take place to mark Shakespeare’s 460th birthday – First Years will have a quiz, Second Years will take part in a murder mystery event, while our Third, Fifth and Sixth Years will take part in “Battle of the Bard”, a revision-relay! A bake sale will take place at lunchtime in aid of charity, alongside our Cakespeare Competition, where students’ Shakespeare-inspired cakes be up for judging. Shakespeare’s birthday bash takes place in the Assembly Hall at lunchtime, where there will be music, food and “pass the parcel” – all are invited!