School Self Evaluation – SSE
It is a way for schools to see what they’re doing well and how they could improve.
Survey’s were completed in April 2023 by students, parents and staff.
Based on the results of these, we’re focusing on how students can improve their own learning.
Two actions are being taken to achieve this.  The first is constructive feedback from teachers so that students know what they need to do to improve, and staff have had training on this.
The second is student self reflection.  To help with this, the second year art class designed posters to act as prompts for self reflection.  A big thank you to the whole class for the work they did on this, and a special congratulations to Ellie Kate – her design will be displayed in all classrooms.
2nd year students recently had a workshop, introducing SSE and showing them how they could use the two different posters to help them improve their learning.
As this is about school improvement, we will be monitoring and resurveying later in the year and early next year to see if students have been able to improve their own learning.