Dear fellow students,
We hope that you are all well and safe during this strange and unprecedented time. We wanted to send out a quick message, sending our kind regards and thoughts to all students but especially those in 3rd and 6th year. The next few weeks may be tough and there is no avoiding that but it is essential that we all try to stay positive. It is vital to see the bigger picture in all of this and to realise that when this is over, the most important thing is that we will be mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually well. To do this, we must put things in perspective and try not to worry too much about the things over which we have no control. We are blessed to have the interest and support of our Principal, Deputy Principal and a wonderful cohort of staff and teachers who are making every effort to teach us remotely. We are thankfully living in a country where we are fortunate that everything is being done to keep us safe. So, remember to eat well, exercise (six feet apart!) and keep in touch with friends to lessen the stress, anxiety and loneliness felt during this time of isolation.
Kind regards and best wishes,
Emily Walsh – Head Girl
Sadhbh O’ Riordan – Deputy Head Girl